
The Adventures of John MacAlpine

A Highlander in America

Black Pennell Press, Greenock 1985

Illustration size 78mm x 45mm

Printed on Zerkall edition of 45, £40 each, set of 8 £280

The Green Mountain Boys Attack
The Green Mountain Boys Attack
The Notorious Tory MacAlpine Unhorsed
The Notorious Tory MacAlpine Unhorsed
Ferrying Horses to Chimlie Point
Ferrying Horses to Chimlie Point
The Rebel Prisoners Escape
The Rebel Prisoners Escape
Swimming my horse to evade the Rebels
Swimming my horse to evade the Rebels
Marched under guard to Hartford Prison
Marched under guard to Hartford Prison
The Rebels attempt to rescue their cattle
The Rebels attempt to rescue their cattle
I am plagued by plundering rebels
I am plagued by plundering rebels
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